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Tuesday 13 July 2010

Editing memo in Foxpro Dos

How to edit memo in foxpro ver 2.6
To edit memo in database foxpro dos is :
Put you cursor in memo field, and just press Ctrl + Page up / page down, so we can see the containt of memo fields

Now you can edit your memo easily

Read more : Too many file open, how to put file on line

Sunday 11 July 2010

Query In Delphi Example Type

========== query example x1
--query1.sql.add ('select tanggal, number , codecs, receivefrom from dbtanda');
--query1.sql.add (' where tanggal >= :xQTGL1 ');
--query1.sql.add (' and tanggal <= :xQTGL2 '); --query1.parambyname('xQTGL1').asDate := xTGL1 ; --query1.parambyname('xQTGL2').asDate := xTGL2 ; --query1.prepare;; --

========== query example x2
xquery1 := ' select tanggal, number , codecs, receivefrom, receiveis, '+ ' receiveno, curren, amount, dayback, receiveby from dbtanda ' ; query1.sql.clear; query1.sql.add ( xquery1 ); query1.sql.add (' where tanggal >= :xQTGL1 ');
query1.sql.add (' and tanggal <= :xQTGL2 '); query1.sql.add (' and number >= :xQnoInvo1 ');
query1.sql.add (' and number <= :xQnoInvo2 '); query1.sql.add (' and codecs = :xQnoCust1 ') ; query1.parambyname('xQnoInvo1').asString := trim(xnoInvo1) ; query1.parambyname('xQnoInvo2').asString := trim(xnoInvo2) ; query1.parambyname('xQNoCust1').asString := trim(xnoCust1) ; query1.parambyname('xQTGL1').asDate := xTGL1 ; query1.parambyname('xQTGL2').asDate := xTGL2 ; query1.prepare;;

========== query example x3

select CodeCS, curren, sum (amount) as tlAmount from dbtanda
group by CodeCs, Curren
order by CodeCs, Curren

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